Sharjah's climate is idyllic from November to April with warm sunny days, cool evenings and low humidity. Daytime temperatures range from 18 to 30 degrees C.
You can expect some rainfall and tropical storms during January, February and March. After heavy rains you will need a good pair of rubber boots to negotiate the streets ! (Rainwear can be purchased in Rolla Square)
From May to September the climate is hot with midday temperatures in July and August reaching in excess of 45 degrees C. Even the nights are warm averaging 25 degrees C.
Humidity is often at 100% so all in all, it's stifling! Most people head to cooler climates during the summer.

For special forecasts (fishing trips, outdoor functions, etc.) the Sharjah Airport meteorological office can provide short and long term information.
Click here for the Sharjah Airport Meteorological Office.
Click here for the latest update on the weather in Sharjah, from Yahoo!
You will find weather forecast details in the daily newspapers, on the radio after each news broadcast or on the TV Channel 33, following the 9 o' clock news.
For daily weather update from Khaleej Times newspaper, go here.
Yahoo Weather Sharjah Airport Meteorological Office Khaleej Times Newspape